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How To Learn Faster And Smarter

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How To Learn Faster And Smarter

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5. Brain Supplements

Are you aware that there are certain nutritional supplements that can improve your memory and boost your brain power?

Let’s look at a handful of these supplements now.

Panax Ginseng

This herbal remedy has been used in around Asia and North America for centuries. It’s a herbal medicine that has been known to boost attention, memory and focus. In case you’re wondering, panax ginseng is also known as Asian ginseng, Chinese ginseng or Korean ginseng. It’s widely available as a supplement in health and well-being stores.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

The body requires a wide range of amino acids to support its physical metabolism of energy and balance of muscle mass. In terms of taking amino acids for boosting brain power, L-Tyrosine has been shown to be a cognitive enhancer due its effect on calming the system and how your brain reacts to stress.

There are two types of Omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA. These can be found in fish oil supplements (vegans can choose algae oil as an alternative).

DHA and EPA help maintain the health of brain cells, as well as reducing brain inflammation and improving brain cell growth. Memory, reaction time and problem solving skills are all increased by taking a supplement containing abundant DHA and EPA.

Amino Acids

The body requires a wide range of amino acids to support its physical metabolism of energy and balance of muscle mass. In terms of taking amino acids for boosting brain power, L-Tyrosine has been shown to be a cognitive enhancer due its effect on calming the system and how your brain reacts to stress.

Fortunately, as L-Tyrosine is very bioavailable (highly absorbent in the body), only a tiny amount is needed to produce a strong effect. Another amino acid for you to consider is Acetyl-L-carnitine. Research has shown that people taking an Acetyl-L-carnitine supplement had increased focus and alertness. It can also help treat mild dementia or Alzheimer’s.

Ginkgo Biloba

Believed to be almost 270 million years, this herbal supplement aids cognition by allowing more blood flow to move through the brain.

Benefits of taking this herb include, improved focus, enhanced concentration, and a boost to memory power. One scientific study found that it could also benefit age-related cognitive decline symptoms in older populations.

6. Speed Reading

Whether reading on screen or on paper, most of us spend hours every day reading content. If you’re a slow reader, then you’ll be at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to learning something fast.

Fortunately, there are some tried-and-tested techniques for speeding up both your reading and comprehension.

Check out these techniques for starters:

Stop The Inner Monologue

Also known as subvocalization or silent speech, inner monologue is an extremely common trait among readers. It’s the process of speaking the words in your head as you read. It’s also the biggest obstacle preventing you from increasing your reading speed.

Consider this: The average reading speed is similar to the average talking speed (around 300 words per minute). That’s because most people are in the habit of saying the words aloud in their head as they read. So, to read faster, you must break this habit.

You can do this by coming to the realization that you don’t need to say every word in your head in order to understand what you are reading. Try it and see. You’ll find that your brain still processes all the information it receives and you’ll be able to read significantly faster than before.

Skim The Main Points First

If you’re reading a self-improvement book or researching a topic, one way to take in the information quicker is to scan through the material before reading it all the way through. This means reading the table of contents, the introduction, the first paragraph of each chapter, captions under diagrams, etc.

This will give you a good overall feel for the material, and will mean that you’ll be mentally prepared to read, learn and remember the content. You’ll also find that you can read through the material quicker than you would otherwise.

Read More

Slow readers tend to be infrequent readers. That’s because they find the process energy and time consuming. As the saying goes: Practice makes perfect!

When you commit to reading regularly (perhaps a book a month), then you’ll naturally find that your reading and comprehension skills improve. You’ll also enjoy reading and learning much more than before!

The Importance of Continuous Learning

It’s vital that you never stop learning.

If you give up on learning new things, you’ll feel old and you life will be stale. Conversely, when you grow and expand your mind through learning, you’ll feel young and lively!

Continuous learning has other tangible benefits too. For example, if you work as a freelance website designer, you’ll have a competitive advantage by keeping up with the latest design software and applications.

Whatever your age or current circumstances, learning new skills and increasing your knowledge will be uplifting and inspiring for you.

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Researcher of Bluecore Inside, Economist of Economic Outlook of Scholare University.

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