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3 Traits You Need to Inspire Trust in Your Company


3 Traits You Need to Inspire Trust in Your Company

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3 Traits You Need to Inspire Trust in Your Company

If you lose the trust of your people, partners, vendors, customers and community, it’s harder than ever to recover it. Things live forever online, and even if your people stop believing the bad stuff, it’s still out there for others to find. So how can you maintain that trust in your organization and your professional relationships?

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When you lose or lack relevancy, you lose both talent and customers, and thus “Operational Excellence.” Too many times we focus on the customer side when it comes to relevancy. We trot out tales of BlackBerry, Oldsmobile, and Kodak and their failures to adapt and innovate. We should! They’re important lessons.

But that same lack of adaptation and innovation often costs companies in the workplace first, as they try to shore up their Operational Excellence. They ignore new opportunities and keep selling the same stuff. They move jobs overseas as revenues decline. They fail to invest in new people and partners to reach new and different customers. What these companies often fail to see is that you lose relevancy in the workplace long before the marketplace, because leaders and organizations see their relationships with each other as irrelevant. There’s no room for trust in that kind of culture. No expectation of reciprocity beyond the transaction of a paycheck for work performed.

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Researcher of Bluecore Inside, Economist of Economic Outlook of Scholare University.

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